Alphabet in English

Alphabet in English are the letters that we learn at first to speak English, Writing. The English alphabet consist of 26 letters of Uppercase that is Capital letters and they form like this


➡️ a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k l, m, n, o, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z


How to pronunciations Alphabet in English
  1. A – /eɪ/ (ay)
  2. B – /biː/ (bee)
  3. C – /siː/ (see)
  4. D – /diː/ (dee)
  5. E – /iː/ (ee)
  6. F – /ɛf/ (ef)
  7. G – /dʒiː/ (jee)
  8. H – /eɪtʃ/ (aych)
  9. I – /aɪ/ (eye)
  10. J – /dʒeɪ/ (jay)
  11. K – /keɪ/ (kay)
  12. L – /ɛl/ (el)
  13. M – /ɛm/ (em)
  14. N – /ɛn/ (en)
  15. O – /oʊ/ (oh)
  16. P – /piː/ (pee)
  17. Q – /kjuː/ (kyoo)
  18. R – /ɑːr/ (ar)
  19. S – /ɛs/ (es)
  20. T – /tiː/ (tee)
  21. U – /juː/ (yoo)
  22. V – /viː/ (vee)
  23. W – /ˈdʌbəl.juː/
  24. (double-yoo)
  25. X – /ɛks/ (eks)
  26. Y – /waɪ/ (why)
  27. Z – /ziː/ (zee) or /zɛd/ (zed) in British English
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