Colour Vocabulary

Color is the way that we describe an object based on the way that it reflects or emits light. The Color has 3 properties these are Hue, Value, Intensity. Colors can be break into their different families group that have relationship to one another.

These are the group of the color family such as primary color, Secondary Color, Tertiary color, Complementary color, Analogous Color, Warm Color, Cool Color.

The Colors
  • Black
  • Blue
  • Red
  • Orange
  • White
  • Pink
  • Green
  • Purple
  • Yellow
  • Violet
  • Brown
  • Indigo
1. What color is the Rainbow?

➤ It’s VIBGYOR, that is V-Violet, I – Indigo, B- Blue, G- Green, Y- Yellow, O- Orange, R- Red

2. What color do you get when you mix red and blue together?

It’s Purple

3. Can you name three things that are usually the color green?

Grass, leaves, frogs

4. Which color is known as the color of the sun? 


5. What ae the three primary colors?

Red, blue and yellow

6. If you mix yellow and red, what new color do you make?


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