English Vocabulary
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Vocabulary Library

A rich vocabulary increases communication skills, enabling to express ideas clearly and effectively. So, building a strong vocabulary is very important for mastering the English language. We have listed a vast collection of vocabulary below and this vocabulary you can learn English effectively.

Advanced English Words

Comparison table

Abate To lessen or diminish.
Adversity Difficulties or misfortune
Aesthetic Related to beauty or artistic expression
Altruistic Selflessly concerned for the well-being of others
Ameliorate To improve or make better.
Anachronistic Outdated or misplaced in time
Anecdote A short and interesting story about a real incident.
Arduous Requiring great effort or difficulty
Assiduous – Showing great care and perseverance.
Benevolent – Kind and well-meaning.
Cacophony A harsh, discordant mixture of sounds
Camaraderie A sense of trust and friendship among people.
Capricious Given to sudden and unaccountable changes in mood or behavior.
Circumvent To find a way around (an obstacle
Clairvoyant Someone who claims to have the ability to see the future
Condescending Acting superior or patronizing
Conundrum A confusing or difficult problem.
Conundrum A confusing or difficult problem
Demagogue A political leader who seeks support by appealing to emotions rather than reason.
Deleterious Harmful or damaging.
Diligent Showing careful and persistent work or effort
Disdain The feeling of contempt or scorn
Ebullient Overflowing with enthusiasm or excitement
Egregious Outstandingly bad or shocking
Eloquence Fluent or persuasive speaking or writing
Eloquence Fluent or persuasive speaking or writing
Enervate To weaken or drain of energy
Ephemeral Lasting for a very short time
Erudite Having great knowledge or learning
Esoteric Understood by a small group with specialized knowledge
Exacerbate To make a problem worse
Fastidious Very attentive to detail or accuracy.
Abate To lessen or diminish.
Fortuitous Happening by chance, often in a beneficial way
Frugal Economical or avoiding waste
Garrulous Excessively talkative
Nefarious Wicked or criminal
Hedonistic Devoted to the pursuit of pleasure
Iconoclast Someone who challenges established beliefs or traditions
Idiosyncratic Peculiar or individualistic
Impetuous Acting quickly without thought or care
Ineffable Too great or extreme to be expressed in words
Lethargic Lacking energy or enthusiasm
Magnanimous Generous or forgiving, especially toward a rival
Malleable Easily influenced or adaptable
Nefarious Wicked or criminal
Obfuscate To confuse or make unclear
Superfluous Excessive or unnecessary
Ubiquitous Present or appearing everywhere.

Vocabulary Test



#1. Which of the following describes someone who speaks fluently and persuasively?

#2. Which word best describes something that stands out and is easy to see?

#3. Which word describes something harmful or damaging?

#4. If you want to “alleviate” pain, you would

#5. If the price of a product “fluctuates,” it means that:

#6. Resilient” refers to someone who

#7. If someone is “cognizant,” they are:

#8. Which word refers to something continuous or never-ending?

#9. What does the word “meticulous” mean? a) Careless

#10. To “substantiate” means to

#11. What is the meaning of “ambiguous”?

#12. A “pragmatic” approach is one that is

#13. Which word refers to something done quickly, without attention to detail?

#14. To “exacerbate” a situation means to:

#15. Which of the following best describes the word “inevitable”?


Welcome to your Word List test

What does the word "adversity" mean?

Which of the following best describes the word "conceive"?

What is the meaning of "ubiquitous"?

To "precipitate" an event means to:

If someone is "cognizant" of something, they are:

Which of the following best describes the word "indigenous"?

"Intrinsic" refers to something that is:

A "viable" solution is one that is:

If someone shows "reverence," they are showing:

An "eminent" person is someone who is:

If someone is "cognizant" of something, they are:


Choose the correct form: "If I ____ enough money, I would travel the world."

An "eminent" person is someone who is:

What is the correct passive voice form? "The chef ____ a delicious meal."

Which sentence is correct?

What is the meaning of "ubiquitous"?

Fill in the blank with the correct preposition: "She is good ____ mathematics."

"Intrinsic" refers to something that is:

Which of the following best describes the word "indigenous"?

To "precipitate" an event means to:

What does the word "adversity" mean?

Which of the following best describes the word "conceive"?

A "viable" solution is one that is:

If someone shows "reverence," they are showing:

If someone is "cognizant" of something, they are:

Word List Test 3

Word list Test 4

Word List Quiz 4