Are you writing better English? What are the tips improving your writing skills in English? To write better English you have to improve mastering vocabulary, punctuation, structure and style.
Expand your vocabulary through reading regularly, Use synonyms, Create vocabulary journal and use punctuation.
Use Punctuations
Periods (.)
Comma (,)
Semicolons (;)
Colons (:)
Apostrophes (‘)
Quotation Marks ( ” ” )
Use proper Structure
Outline Ideas
Use Transitional Words (however, furthermore , in addition)
Clear and Concise
Use simple language
Remove Unnecessary words
Revise the Content
Break for revising
Examples here
Business English ( Structure )
Business Letter in General
Cover letter
Curriculum Vitae | Resume | CV
Using capital Letters
Using capital letters in the beginning of a sentences is important. Capital Letters indicate the beginning of a sentences, proper nouns as well as titles, it enhance the clarity and professionalism in the writing
Spelling Rules
In this section we talk about the tips of Spelling Rules. Follow spelling rules like “i before e, doubling consonant and changing ‘y’ to ‘i’ for writing clearly and accuracy.